Saturday, August 4, 2007

First things...

So why did I finally start a blog after many many years of being not very outspoken about thoughts and ideas and just interesting tidbits that I may have picked up along my path of knowledge and daily life. Well I guess I was just a very introspective person, which may seem hypocritical, being introspective perhaps conveys the idea that you can express thoughts on anything you think about, but it's one thing to be introspective and another to be able to express what you've learned about from introspecting, ok I think I've used the word introspective to the point of no return. So anyway, well to start off with, I was born in India, raised by very loving parents who wanted the best life for their kids, and because of that, we decided to pack up and come to the US many many years go, it's hard looking back at what it was like making the transition from a culture that was still quite conservative and not as westernized as it is today to a society where people are much more liberal and far more outspoken.
I remember being very shy my first day of class. But perhaps that shyness came from not knowing what to expect when you talked to someone and you had a different accent or perhaps the shyness came from my fear of being in a new place with many many new faces unbeknownst to me. But I think I eventually assimilated into the class and began making friends and began my path towards becoming an IBCD (Indian Born Confused Desi).

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