Sunday, May 11, 2008

Pangea Day

Alright perhaps my previous post was a bit of venting of emotions that had been bottled up for a little while now... on a lighter note, I am quite excited about the events that took place this past weekend, particularly the Pangea Day Event I attended. Is it possibly to have a worldwide event that can set aside creed, borders, beliefs, differences, conflicts, and bring together all of humanity as one soul helping everyone see others within themselves and do it through film? Well that was the idea behind Pangea Day, an idea or rather a dream turned into reality for film-maker Jehane Noujaim. Her wish was to change the world, to create a day of peace and understanding and do it in a way that everyone can understand, by using the common language of film. It took a couple of years of planning to finally organize a day that shows the world as one soul. The films that were showcased were quite moving and eye opening, films about a change of heart from people that once were at front line of creating conflict to being at the forefront of change and understanding hoping to alleviate the differences though speech. There was a film about a son returning to his home in Cuba after spending many years in America only to be thought of as a foreigner by his own brother. There were films about love, the yearning for love that many who continue to wait for never see, and when they think they have the chance to experience it, it ends up being only a skit on a Parisian metro. There were films of hope, and laughter, the International Laughing Club that was started in India and is expanding throughout the world. There were films of sorrow, and films that left the ending open to interpretation. There was music and commentary from well known scientists and visionaries and other individuals as well. So how did I feel about the event, well I think it was phenomenal, I think that much of what I saw touched me in a way that made me feel in a way that I haven't felt before, it allowed me to see that change is possible and I'm glad there are people out there who are willing to search for and take the initiative to make it happen, even if it's with an idea.

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